Tom and JoAnn's Staff Support
by Tom Doyle 100 Lives Impacted
The Middle East is the place where history, religion, and politics collide head on. The lead news story of the day often emanates from this volati...
The Middle East is the place where history, religion, and politics collide head on. The lead news story of the day often emanates from this volatile region-and rightfully so because of its instability. By watching the news on television, it would be easy to form an opinion about the people that live there. It would also be easy to form an opinion about the future of the region, and my guess is that your opinion would not be optimistic. How could it be? Is there ever any good news from the Middle East?
Yes, there is good news from the Middle East. In fact, there is great news. Muslims are coming to faith in Christ in record numbers. The underground church is on the move. Don’t take your worldview from the nightly news. Get plugged in to the Body of Christ on the front lines. Due to widespread persecution, they risk everything for Jesus. It’s time to learn, pray, and get involved.
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