Thirteen years ago, I was studying Blackaby's
Called and Accountable devotional book. After much prayer and discussion with David and several who work with e3 Partners, it became clear that the next chapter of my life was about to start!
You have been an integral part of these years as you have fought battles in prayer with me and my teams.
- You lifted my spirits. Reminded me from where real Joy comes.
- You stopped and prayed when you received a text, email or phone call.
- You weathered more than a few storms with me.
- Some of you made me laugh. Laughter is definitely medicine!
- Some of you even lovingly chastised me. Good friends do that!
- You are a gift for which I thank the Lord each day!
Please continue to pray as we plan and prepare for Fall 2021 and 2022 trips! Only God knows what is in store.
We are excited to see what he has planned for us!
Thank you!

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