You are a blessing to me personally and to the people I serve. Your financial support has enabled me to assist team leaders in mobilizing and leading 145 mission trips just this summer to start and encourage churches, provide general health
screenings, vitamins, antibiotics, wound care and reading glasses.
Medical and non-medical professionals have traveled to five continents
to serve and share God's love! Thank you for being a huge part of the
blessing we were able to give!
Our annual e3 Giving day is just around the corner, September 20th. If the Lord leads you to be involved through giving, it would be a huge blessing! Thank you!
Our mission to Ethiopia was beyond exciting and fruitful! God gave us the opportunity to serve literally in the utter most part of the earth! The people were gracious and so very thankful for our coming. Prayers were answered over and over!
A few weeks ago, I had the honor of serving with my husband in Guatemala! David and I don't often get to serve together because of our schedules! That was truly a blessing! David and team worked building a new home for a pastor, while I worked in the clinic. <They wouldn't let me build!!>
May God richly bless you as you serve HIM!! Anne Lucas

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