Thank you for standing in the gap for so many people and situations throughout the years! It will be an unbelievable day when we get to heaven and see how your prayers were answered! Please don’t stop praying!
2018 …standing in the need of prayer!
- e3 Partners is going through a transition across the organization …that is a good thing! We are on a mighty fast pace to ensure e3 is prepared to escalate the work we do …Jesus is coming and people need to know Him!
- My new role as Director of Strategy Resources is similar but with more responsibility. In addition, I continue to lead the Medical Strategy which continues to grow. It is humbling and causes me to be in prayer even more for Godly wisdom and the ability to focus on the most important places at the right time!
Please pray for
- Strategic wisdom (James 1:5), discernment, patience, ears and eyes opened to how God is directing me. (Col 1:9)
- For those who will be serving with e3 this year …approximately 2000 people!
- The thousands with whom we will share Jesus, the churches we will help start.
Trips on the schedule that I will be leading/co-leading:
February 14th Athens to prepare for the June team. We will be meeting with pastors and ministry leaders to finalize preparations. I thought I was going by myself when David Lucas said he would go and assist! Yea!!
- In April, Lee Lucas, David Smith and Pete Marian from our church on an e3 scouting trip to Mongolia. We will evaluate the prospects for bringing teams in over the next years.
- In May, we are off to Zambia with lots of nursing students! We will be partnering with another ministry and churches outside of Lusaka.
- In June, we have a large team going to Athens to serve refugees from over 40 countries. Recently, I read that there are over 60,000 refugees in Greece at this time...searching for hope! Ephesians 1:18
Leading and serving with teams is my most favorite part! I learn so much from the team, those we serve and from God!
There is a lot to do in my other role as e3 Director of Strategy Resources. HOWEVER, it is not about me. It is about God and His Plan – that is the priority!
This picture was taken last night as University of Alabama nursing students prepare to serve in Zambia.

Anne Lucas
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