Hello All,
A few months back I heard about E3 Partners and was inspired by their method of evangelism. Understanding that many people in the world have never had the chance to hear the name of Jesus, yet alone reject it, E3 organizes travel to unchurched areas of the world to spread God's message. Through their ministry, E3 is bringing thousands of people to know Christ as their personal savior and also equips local people to continue spreading the message after the trip is over.
India is a place of rapid spiritual growth and millions of people are coming to know Christ there. However, there are still millions of people who have no clue what Christianity is. As you are aware, our faith has no borders and God has commanded us to "make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19). Lord willing, I'll be travelling to the Punjab province of India on October 21st to help spread the Good News and would like your help getting there. I need to raise
$3,680 in order to be part of this mission and would love to have you help me reach that goal. Donations through Pure Charity (directly linked with E3 Partners) are tax deductible!
Also important are your prayers during this time. Please pray for...
- Wisdom during the planning period
- Health before and during the trip
- Funding
- People of India to be filled with the Holy Spirit!!!!!
Thank you for your support and I appreciate any support you can offer.
Grace, Love, and Peace,
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