Dear Sponsor, Thank you so much for your generous support of Danaiwit! I'm going to share my prayer for her.
Lord, we thank and praise You for helping Danaiwit have a home. We don't know her story, but we know that at a young age she has lost much. Thank you that she is in a safe environment, and help her to feel secure there. May the day tell her of Your unfailing love, and as they are celebrating Easter this coming week, may she hear the message afresh. Write Your word upon her little heart and for all the days of her life may she see You the Invisible God in many visible ways. May she sing praise songs and quote scripture to strengthen her during difficult times. Again thank you so much for bringing her to Elevate Orphan and for her family, teachers, counselors, her church, and the staff that all want to help Danaiwit thrive! In Jesus Name!
Thank you so much for investing in Danaiwit! Warmly, Lisa