Can we really change the world with just $10 a month?
YES!!! We believe that we are ALL called to do love deeply and give generously! "Those who love deeply cannot help but give. Those who give generously nearly always do so from a heart of love. How do we show our love to God? We show our love by giving - by giving our worship, our time, our talents, our energy, our devotion, our thanksgiving, our praise, our adoration, our money, our resources, our influence. Anything of value is something worthy of
giving to God!" - Rudy Rasmus
God's heart breaks for orphans and widows and those hurting and marginalized. If we align our hearts with the heart of God, then these things must matter to us! But what can we do? The need is so overwhelming! Where do we start? Our answer...
Do Something Together! No one can do everything, but everyone can
do something! We believe, that if we all come together, as committed followers of Jesus, we CAN make a difference!
Our vision is to equip, empower and educate givers to
Do Something Together and see the world change. We work with our partners to bring about lasting, sustainable change for those who have no voice. We are excited to introduce you to our ministry partners. They are both doing amazing work in Guatemala! -
Project For Hope exists to share the life-changing love of Christ with fatherless families through vocational training and employment for single mothers and widows, mentoring and education for their children as well as family healthcare assistance. Presently, Project for Hope is working with 9 fatherless families with the hope of adding additional families soon. -
Love Guatemala exists to give hope to Guatemalans through the gospel of Jesus Christ and vocational training. Love Guatemala offers several programs, but specifically, we will be supporting the feeding center. This initiative addresses the malnutrition problem in Magdelena and the surrounding area. Presently, around 50 children are fed a healthy, nutritious meal twice a week. Love Guatemala hopes to expand this program in the near future.
Will you join us? Will you commit to just $10 a month? or $20? or $50? or $100? Your donation is tax deductible.
Friends, we are excited about your financial partnership, but we are far more excited about what God is going to do in you heart! We invite you to dive in. Get to know these ministries...dig around their websites. Invest (not just your money, but your heart) in these ministries... and watch GOD do the rest!
And do not forget to do good and to share with others,
for with such sacrifices God is pleased. Hebrews 13:16