e3 Colombia
by e3 Partners 100 Lives Impacted
e3 Colombia is a movement to advance the kingdom of God by providing Tools and Models, which are biblical, simple and transferable. Our ministry i...
e3 Colombia is a movement to advance the kingdom of God by providing Tools and Models, which are biblical, simple and transferable. Our ministry if focused on establishing churches with Stability and Mobility - Loving God, preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to multiply churches & Loving Neighbor by engaging their communities to meet relevant needs with local creativity and assets. We seek to establish churches that are worth multiplying!
Pastor Bernardo Gonzalez serves as the e3 Colombia National Director on the Colombian side; Sam Ingrassia serves as the Strategy Coordinator on the USA side. Both of these men lead teams of staff, churches and a vast number of volunteers to serve together in the unity of the Holy Spirit.
We invite your partnership with e3 Colombia in Praying, Going and Giving! Contact Jeff Thompson- Jeff.thompson@e3partners.org
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