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Thank you...God is on the move in Greece!! Posted about ago

Thank you so very much for the faithful financial donations for the mission work among refugees in Greece! Our newest strategy coordinator, Iman, is on fire training up new disciples and leaders to share the Gospel and train others to be disciples! He has started two new churches in the past two months. 

You have walked along side this work as true partners in the Gospel. Thank you!

We now have a different donation link to support this strategy. The funds donated to this new strategy fund receive 40% matching funds. If you would like to donate to that, this is the link: GreeceRefugeeStrategyFund
The website does not show what it is for ecurity reasons. Iman and Anne manage the fund.

Thank you so very much for being part of this team!

e3 Medical - Greece Refugees
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e3 Partners


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e3 Partners 130M
Plano, TX, US
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Anne Lucas
Vestavia Hills, Alabama, United States

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e3 Medical - Greece Refugees

by Anne Lucas 100 Lives Impacted

Greece continues to be a gateway into Europe from the Middle East and Africa. The number of refugees flooding into and through Greece continues to ...

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