We are excited that three, maybe four of us will be able to go to the Middle East in May. We will be doing a combination of strategy development, ministry and some medical with local doctors.
Please join us in
1. Praising the Lord for what He has been doing in this country and for our national team who work tirelessly for Him!
2. Praising the Lord for those able to go!
3. Please pray for
a. all the pieces and parts to come together quickly ...it is a shortly preparation time!
b. for those we will meet to encourage, minister to and share God's love.
c. for favor with authorities in the country as we enter and minister.
Additional prayer request. Since we have such a small team, we could use your assistance in helping to defray the costs to cover two days of medical supplies, two days of ministry to families and women, translator and transportation costs. Because churches are not allowed to gather at this time, we will be required to rent a location for any ministry work. We are hoping to raise $5000 in additional funding.
Mostly we covet your prayers for what God will be doing among those who do not believe in Him.
Thank you!
Anne Lucas, Director e3 Medical

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