You financially support has enabled so many to receive medicine, medical and hygiene supplies, and baskets of food. Thank you so very much!!
This week, e3 Medical has medical clinics in Kenya and discipleship training in Tanzania. Our national leaders are the "boots on the ground" in their respective countries which we listen, watch and pray as they are serving.
Donations you have given to this Medical Supplies Fund help provide the medicines and food supplies.
The Kenya clinic June 14th results:
- 98 patients
- 30 heard the Gospel.
- 18 people became new Christ followers
- A Bible study group is starting with 30 people attending - many are Muslim background.
In Tanzania there are 41 training centers. This is what has happened during the pandemic --only God!
- 96 students just graduated from the program
- They reached 3876 people with the Gospel
- 845 people became Christ followers!!
- 102 Bible study groups started
- 8 new churches were begun.
The funds donated for the pastors in India has been an incredible blessing to them. One was able to get on a life-saving ventilator. Medicine has helped curb the COVID-19 symptoms. They are beyond grateful! Thank you! We raised the $2000 needed over a 24 hour period....God bless you!
You are a part of God's Kingdom's work! THANK YOU!

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