Joy and peace are not emotions to those of us who are followers of Jesus.
Having joy and peace in our lives depends on WHO Jesus IS to us.
During this season of our lives, we wish you His Joy and Peace!
This Joy and Peace is why the Persecuted Christians are seeing much fruit for the Gospel.
figures on the manger scene photo are hand carved out of thorn bushes
by a Hausa Nigerian man many decades ago when I left Nigeria at age 16.
The cave was a gift from dear friends and is hand caved out of an olive
tree in Israel.
The story: People from every tribe, tongue and nation will one day fall on their knees and worship Jesus, the Lord!
I am so grateful for each of you who faithfully pray and financially support me in this ministry.
May the Lord abundantly bless you during this beautiful Christmas season!
Anne Lucas
Director e3 Partners Medical and Short-Term Missions

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