We have a unique opportunity in two weeks while serving refugees and Greeks in need. A new church partner has asked us to not only have a medical clinic that week, but to prayer walk the community and.....
On Sunday evening, the refugees who the church serves would like to have what they call a
Culture Night. They would prepare meals from their various countries ...Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Iran, etc. They would serve the refugee, Greek community and us! After the meal they will share some of their stories. Our team will also be able to tell our stories!
We were not even certain we would be able to hold a medical and eye clinic, much less get this amazing opportunity. God has opened amazing doors!!
We have a need!! The church cannot afford to cover the cost of the food and supplies for the Culture Night ....and additional medical supplies. There is a large refugee camp nearby...we have no idea how many people might show up!!
We need an additional $1,200. If the Lord lays this need on your heart, please donate on this page. Put a note in the Comment Section: Greece refugees.Please pray as we prepare to leave next week!!
Thank you! Anne Lucas and the Greece team!
This is one of our veteran mission nurses, Joy Deal loving on a Syrian refugee baby.

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