Self-distancing, stay-at-home, shelter-in-place mandates, quarantined! Those are words we have rarely, if ever heard in our country! This Easter most of us will be gather with only 2 or 3 ...maybe just one. But how blessed we are that we can join worship services around the world through the internet!
A small group of us did a video conference call with nationals from one country this week. They continue to tell us how much they are praying for our nation! We are praying for them! They are struggling to meet the needs of people who were in dire circumstances before COVID-19 ---now people are desperate for food and medicines. They have no job, no means of support and their governments are not as blessed as ours. Pharmacies cannot get medicines because of the shelter-in-place mandates of their governments.
Please pray for them! The stories are heartbreaking!
e3 Medical will use some of the medical supply funds to assist with the critical family situations that our national leaders know. Please pray for wisdom, as our efforts seem like a "drip in the bucket", but we know God owns all the resources!
Thank you for the funds your have given! God is blessing people across the world because of you!
We pray this Easter will be the most impactful of your lives!
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