I was up early this morning trying to digest a bowl of original red chili from Tolberts restaurant in Grapevine. While up, I began to ponder the deep things of life (I find this puts me back to sleep). In this state I began to think of and pray for all of you, my amazing support team! God filled me with the most amazing sense of thankfullness and wonder in the ways he has provided all of you to be partners with Lesli and I in our Great Commission assignment.
I was reminded of Paul's words to his dear friends in Philippi:
I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always praywith joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now,
being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
Phillippians 1:3-6
These words have a powerful new significance for Lesli and I in this season of life. We understand the
power and joy of gospel partnerships because of you! It means so much that you would invest your treasure in an eternal way through us! I wanted to write you to share some specific ways God is using your gifts.
I recently returned from a ministry trip to Lima, Peru. This trip was strategically valuable because our entire e3 Colombia strategy team was together for training and evaluation of the strength and impact of the country strategy. It was great for me to get the big picture view of the strategy that God is asking me to oversee in my area of responsibility, the coffee district. This strategy is bearing tremendous fruit in other parts of the country. Here is a taste of what you are a part of building!

E3 Colombia features the ministry of evangelism and church establishing which is fueled by the indigenous Mentor Network which consists of 5 pillars:
1. I am Second/Yo Soy Segundo - Evangelism and discipleship to reach and conserve the harvest. YSS is focused on small group discipleship to help believers live and grow in Christ by living and telling others in obedience to the Holy Spirit and God's Word accompanied with proactively sharing their story and the gospel with people in their sphere of influence.
2. Healthy Church Modules - Monthly training events are provided to address the dimensions of establishing healthy churches which possess a balance in Stability of doctrine and Mobility toward multiplication. Over 500 pastors and leaders in multiple cities across Colombia are encouraged in mentoring relationships for guidance and accountability.
3. Just Say the Word (Spanish book version: Solo Ora Con La Palabra) - A message and model calling Christian husbands to pray more intentionally and more regularly with their wives using the Bible as the guide for their prayers. A healthy marriage is the core of the family; and healthy families are the core of the church.
4. Community Transformation - Built upon Jesus’ command to ‘love your neighbor’; churches are awakened to engage their local communities with relevant projects to enhance the dignity and development of the community; and to show the love of God! Our Nehemiah seminar guides participants to identify, plan and mobilize their church to (a) creatively serve their community, (b) in local service projects, (c) meeting relevant community needs, (e) by using local talents and assets.
5. Understanding and Communicating the Bible - Training believers and leaders with an approach to accurately handle the Word of Truth. Key principles are learned to enhance understanding the Bible for sound doctrine and for allowing the Word to be communicated with increasing clarity. In this way, the word of God becomes both the needed milk and meat for strengthening individual Christians and the body of Christ overall.
In Barranquilla, Colombia this strategy has trained more than 400 pastors in just the last three years. Last year alone there were around 200 pastors in the mentor network. These pastors personaly shared the gospel with around 6,000 people. These gospel interactions created more than 400 new I Am Second groups. These are new groups that have the potential to become covenant churches with a vision and DNA for healthy multiplication.
You are apart of this kingdom work! I want to give you vision for ways that you can continue to partner with us to keep working in Colombia until there is no one left who needs to hear about Jesus. Here are some opportunities that I want to prayerfully put in front of you.
Give: You are already giving and for this I am thankful. God may prompt some of you to give more! We have not reached our funding goal yet. I will not be free to fully invest in this work until I reach full funding.
Go: I want each of you to come with me to Colombia to see for yourself what God is building through you. I want to walk through the fields of harvest with you. I want you to be impacted by going in the same way Lesli I have been. I want you to meet your Colombian brothers and sisters in Christ. Jesus asks us to pray for workers for the harvest. I pray that you will be one of these obedient workers who participate in and rejoice in the harvest! Here is the link to register for our next trip to Armenia on July 4-11. http://e3partners.org/colombia/armenia-colombia-co15e/164/
Connect: You are a Kingdom ambassador for this ministry within your individual sphere of influence. Will you help me connect with other individuals or churches who can partner with us to fulfill our kingdom assignment in Colombia?
We love each of you. We pray for you. We know that he who began a good work in you will keep doing it! We love being on this amazing journey with you.
Jeff and Lesli
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