I am so excited to share a couple developments with you all! First off, we’ve reached a major milestone in our journey! We are now at a point where we have enough consistent monthly donations coming in to begin leading trips on a part-time basis! “Part-time” just means I will only lead two trips per year (rather than four or more) until we reach a full-time level of monthly donations. This is a huge answer to prayer, and we can't thank you enough for the role you've played in partnering with us!
My second bit of great news is that I have just scheduled my first of two required training trips! As I’ve mentioned to many of you in the past, one of these training trips will be to my area of focus (Tanzania) while the other will be to a different region so that I may gain a broader range of experience and have the opportunity to work with multiple trainers.
My first training trip will be an "Extreme Expedition" into the Amazon from October 16 through 25. We will spend the first two days in Yurimaguas, Peru training local believers how to implement a disciple making/church multiplication model. Then, along with the newly-trained nationals, we will take dugout canoes down river for the remainder of the trip where we will camp in the jungle and share the gospel with the Shawi people! I am unbelievably excited for this trip, and can't wait to give you a report in November!
Once my training is complete, all of my trip expenses will be absorbed into the expedition budget and I will not need to raise additional funds beyond our monthly donations. However, I do need to secure donations for these two training trips, each costing approximately $3,000. If God puts it on your heart to support our ministry in this specific way, just click the yellow "Donate to this Fundraiser" button in the upper right portion of this screen to make a donation!
What's Happening in Tanzania?
One of the reasons I love e3 Partners so much is that they truly understand that God has called his followers to be the church—to be His hands and feet and mouth. And that the proclamation of the gospel should go hand in hand with tangible examples of God’s love. After planting new churches, Community Transformation (CT) groups follow up with these new churches to help them better their circumstances, invest in their communities and be the church.
Last June, the Tanzania team launched a Community Transformation initiative in the pseudo-urban area of Shinyanga. Since then, one of the Tanzanian nationals, Deogratias has mobilized 160 people and has formed fifteen CT groups that are now performing a variety of projects to better their circumstances. Some groups are now farming, sewing and raising goats & milk-cows while others are making soap, tie-dyed fabric and cakes. Eight of the fifteen groups have been registered with the local government, which allows them to sell their products in the local markets. This is a huge achievement for them!
One of the ladies who attended the training in June, Scolistica, formed a gardening group last year through which she is now mentoring a group of teenage boys so they will have life skills and grow into godly men. The group’s tomato crop produced a profitable harvest, which has generated income for her family. Her marriage has improved since she became involved in CT, and she has gained her husband’s respect and appreciation.
Just last week, on August 8th, the Shinyangan government held an official “Community Transformation Day”, a festival to showcase the fifteen groups and their projects as well as share information about the Community Transformation program! We are so excited that God is working through these young believers to literally transform their community and show His love!
Prayer Requests
• For Matt to be mentally and spiritually prepared for his upcoming trip to Peru
• For God to prepare the hearts of those with whom we will share the gospel
• For spiritual protection over everyone on the trip
• For physical health and safety during the trip
• For continued improvement in Tina's health
Please send us your prayer requests as well so we can be praying for your most current needs!
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