e3 Partners equips Christians with the training and tools they need to make a lasting impact in the world. We send thousands of people on short-term mission trips that promote restoration, spread the Gospel, and leave behind new churches.
We will be sharing the love of Christ trough a Medical Clinic
Refugee Ministry partnering with local churches to demonstrate God’s love through Eyeglass Clinics and Evangelism teams. Be part of what God is doing through this historic crisis, He is making Himself known among the nations.
Be a part of what God is doing to reach the Zaramo, Tanzania’s largest unreached People Group.
Join us in Ethiopia...both medical and non-medical volunteers needed!!!
Honduras - a new country for e3. Come and be a pioneer as we spread the Good News!
The Team will spend two days in a clinic with moms and their babies. Then we will travel to a rural village to conduct 4-Fields training --evangelism and discipleship.
Join us in Malawi as we train people in Community Transformation!
Mid South Region consists of an estimated population of 500 million unreached people!
As the Holy Spirit leads, our team will share the Gospel to desperate people in need of God's love, acceptance, salvation, and transformation in their lives.
We will be doing outreach and evangelism to engage many far from God, as well has help begin intensive discipleship to help begin rapid, healthy, Biblically sound churches.
As the Holy Spirit leads, our team will share the Gospel to desperate people in need of God's love, acceptance, salvation, and transformation in their lives.
Mid South Region consists of an estimated population of 500 million unreached people!
Join us in Malawi, the warm heart of Africa as we come alongside local believers in helping them transform their community with the Gospe;!
Ask God where He would have you serve and join us there! Gospel Conversations, Discipleship Groups, Community Transformation... We have a place for you.
Share God's story and demonstrate His love to the people of Colombia!
Join us as we work virtually with our National Partners and a team on the ground in Greece.
Our team will be working with a very seasoned leader in a red light district. We will lovingly care for some of the poorest refugees and outcasts serving them with medical care.