e3 Partners equips Christians with the training and tools they need to make a lasting impact in the world. We send thousands of people on short-term mission trips that promote restoration, spread the Gospel, and leave behind new churches.
Come and share the Gospel in East Asia!
Come and share the Gospel in Ethiopia!
Come and share the Gospel in Ecuador!
Come and share the Gospel in Ethiopia!
Come and join this conference.
Come and share the Gospel in Sudan!
Come and share the Gospel in Ethiopia!
Come and share the Gospel in India!
Come and share the Gospel in India!
Come and share the Gospel in Russia!
Come minister side-by-side with a growing network of churches in Bogota Colombia who practically embrace the vision of loving God and loving their communities!
Come and share the Gospel in Romania!
Come and share the Gospel in Costa Rica!
Everyone who goes will experience the thrilling privilege of being used to lead many to a saving knowledge of Christ.
Share your story and His story in Russia with those who have never heard!
Come and share the Gospel in Colombia!
Come and share the Gospel in Colombia!
Come and share the Gospel in Romania!