Beverly B Greenwood's fundraiser for MSR
by Beverly B Greenwood 10 Lives Impacted
As Jesus Christ's ambassadors, we will come alongside Christian men and women who have banded together (called coalitions) for the purpose of bring...
e3 Partners equips Christians with the training and tools they need to make a lasting impact in the world. We send thousands of people on short-term mission trips that promote restoration, spread the Gospel, and leave behind new churches.
by Beverly B Greenwood 10 Lives Impacted
As Jesus Christ's ambassadors, we will come alongside Christian men and women who have banded together (called coalitions) for the purpose of bring...
by Collene Hall 100 Lives Impacted Nagua, María Trinidad Sánchez Pr...
We will be doing street evangelism and discipleship training on this trip. God has already begun a great work here, and many are surrendering their...
by Anthony Looney 100 Lives Impacted Queens, New York, United States
Join us as we partner with an established Korean church to reach the Bayside community with the Gospel. Our team will facilitate Gospel Conversati...
by Special Funds 100 Lives Impacted San Estanislao, San Pedro Depart...
Paraguay is a beautiful country with a rich history...and is very open to the message of the Gospel! We will be part of a network of Christ Follow...
by Will Foti 100 Lives Impacted Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
I want to go to Ethiopia because I have an opportunity to use the time God has given me to further his kingdom. This year, I've been focusing on tr...
by Autumn Urton 100 Lives Impacted Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
" And Mary said, 'My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior" Luke 1:46This year the Lord has been teaching me what it loo...
by Noemi Liu 100 Lives Impacted Mwanza, Mwanza Region, Tanzania
Less than 2% of the Deaf claim to be Christ followers. We will train Deaf and help them plant a church in one area. We will train them in evangel...
by Deborah D Temple 100 Lives Impacted Bagamoyo, Pwani Region, Tanzania
Less than 1% of the Zaramo claim to be Christ followers and practice a variety of spirit worship. We will be working with churches in villages outs...
by Maci Mallahan 100 Lives Impacted Ethiopia
I am excited to share the Gospel with Ethiopians this summer. Please join me in prayer for my team and the Ethiopians that we will meet in July. If...
by Gregory Koniuszy 100 Lives Impacted Arequipa, Arequipa, Peru
About ArequipaArequipa is the second largest city in Peru. It has an influence of a variety of local Andean religious traditions and a high Catholi...
by Katie Caldwell 100 Lives Impacted
As Jesus Christ's ambassadors, we will come alongside Christian men and women who have banded together (called coalitions) for the purpose of bring...
by Thomas Michael Stogsdill 100 Lives Impacted Queens, New York, United States
Join us as we partner with an established Korean church to reach the Bayside community with the Gospel. Our team will facilitate Gospel Conversati...
by Jalisa Yoder 400 Lives Impacted Jaén, Cajamarca, Peru
Jaen, Peru, is located in the northern part of Peru along the edge of the Amazon Basin. Join us as we engage and train the local church to share ...
by Steve Weightman 100 Lives Impacted Mexico City, Mexico City, Mexico
One of the top 10 largest cities in the world with over 21 million people, Mexico City is one of the most strategic metropolitan cities for the Lat...
by Jorge Estupinan jr 100 Lives Impacted Mexico City, Mexico City, Mexico
One of the top 10 largest cities in the world with over 21 million people, Mexico City is one of the most strategic metropolitan cities for the Lat...
by Richard W DeLong 100 Lives Impacted
You don't have to leave your house to have a huge impact on the spreading of the gospel! Come join us on August 7-19, 2022 to VIRTUALLY "GO" to one...
by Ronald Bruce Vander Heide II 200 Lives Impacted Mexico City, Mexico City, Mexico
One of the top 10 largest cities in the world with over 21 million people, Mexico City is one of the most strategic metropolitan cities for the Lat...
by Janet Boss 100 Lives Impacted Bay Islands Department, Honduras
Roatan is an island in the Caribbean about 40 miles off the coast of Honduras. As it was once occupied by Great Britain, many to this day speak Eng...
by Alex Arze 100 Lives Impacted
Howdy!!Since moving back to Dallas, the Lord has provided so much for me, of which the greatest blessing has been the community I’ve found through ...
by Dorothy Yip 100 Lives Impacted La Lima, Cortés Department, Hond...
Bananas are a major export for Honduras. Our team will be working in the banana plantations with national pastors and their leaders sharing the GOO...