✨March Update ✨
We are excited to announce that, as of last week, we were able to kick off our partnership with The Olive Tree Project (OTP) for Ansanm's new birthing center. Alongside OTP, we began interviewing 12 incredible and qualified candidates for our 4 midwife positions we are looking to fill. Midwifery is a relatively new profession in Haiti, so most of our applicants were recent graduates with a lot of passion for the field they have studied. OTP has been operating their birthing center (Kay Akouchman) for 12 years here in Jacmel, Haiti. Our partnership with OTP is going to bring a level of care to the women of Cap Rouge that we could not imagine on our own. Working TOGETHER is key and we are beyond excited to be on this journey with them. Our midwives will go through orientation first and then we will be looking to hire our nurses to assist them. OTP + Ansanm have hired a Canadian trained midwife to train our new midwives and nurses, making sure that they are all up-to-date on their skills and also orientating them to the environment we want to create for the women (and babies!) in our care. Our plan is that by the late Fall, we will begin seeing women for their prenatal consultations in Cap Rouge.