Funding Unsuccessful. This project was not successfully funded and ended July 25, 2013

Bringing Access to Life Saving Information

Radio messages are the best way to provide information to the 85% of rural Malawians who live without adequate access to information. This radio campaign will provide important health messages about fortified foods and their life saving benefits.

Radio Production and Airtime
Funding is needed for producing the radio messages as well as for the airtime to broadcast them.

Total Funding Needed:

A significant portion of the population in Malawi is malnourished, suffering from "hidden hunger" or micronutrient deficiencies stemming from a lack of nutrients in their daily diets. In Malawi, 46% of children under five are stunted, 48% are iron deficient, and 22% are vitamin A deficient. Among women of childbearing age, 25% are iron deficient and 57% are vitamin A deficient. These deficiencies lead to unnecessary and preventable deaths and disabilities and enormous economics losses for the nation.  

One of the most economical and effective ways of addressing this problem is through fortification - the process of adding these essential micronutrients to the foods people are already eating.  The government of Malawi is committed to providing these foods to its population through the mandated fortification of staple foods in the country, but many in the rural areas are unaware of this campaign and ill informed of its importance for their health and the health of their children. 


In rural communities, where the vast majority of Malawians live, radio is the best access to information and communication. Well-produced radio programs reach the masses, providing important messages and teaching critical lessons. With the national fortification program underway in the country, it's imperative that a similar IEC campaign be undertaken, to ensure that correct information is conveyed and that the population has the proper information to make life saving decisions in what they consume. Although fortification arguably requires little behavior change, it is important that consumers understand what is being added to their food in the event that some believe that the added nutrients will cause adverse health outcomes, as has been in the case in past programs. This project will allow for several radio spots to be produced, discussing the importance of fortification, as well as a full length radio program to explain national fortification efforts, the foods to look for which are being fortified with the critical vitamins and minerals, and the fortification logo that identifies the fortified food vehicles as approved by the Malawi Bureau of Standards quality control checks. Understanding the health benefits of consuming adequately fortified foods is the first step in making a difference in the lives of those suffering and dying due to malnutrition. 

The television commericial above shows an example of the kind of messages that will be relayed in the radio spots. The commericial, as well as the radio spots, will be recorded in the local language of Malawi, Chichewa, but we have included the English translation below:

  • Child dressed as a lawyer: "When I grow up, I want to be a lawyer."
  • Child dressed as a doctor: "I want to be a doctor to save the lives of patients."
  • Child dressed as a firefighter: "I want to be a firefighter."
  • Child playing football: "When I grow up I want to be an outstanding footballer."
For all these dreams to be realized/ to come true you have to make sure that you feed your children fortified foods which have vitamins and minerals.
Go for (buy) food stuffs that bear this LOGO which indicates that they are fortified (added with vitamins and minerals) in all market places here in Malawi.
The fortification logo displayed throughout the TV spot is the same one that will be found on all packaging of fortified foods in Malawi. Developed with technical guidance from Project Healthy Children and the National Fortification Alliance (which comprises of representatives from the Malawi government, academia, civil society, and the private sector) the fortification logo provides for easy identification of fortified foodstuffs and promotes their production and consumption.


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  • $4,000 Funding Goal
  • $4,000 Still Needed
  • 50,000 Lives Impacted
  • Ended Jul 25, 2013

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Ended - July 25, 2013
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IEC Radio Campaigns for Fortification in Malawi

by Project Healthy Children Malawi Health

Radio messages are the best way to provide information to the 85% of rural Malawians who live without adequate access to information. This radio ca...

$0 Amount Raised
  • $4,000 Funding Goal
  • $4,000 Still Needed
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