Middle East is volatile, strategic, horrifying, confusing...and that's just the beginning!
But, it is also captivating, haunting and beautiful - and so are the
women behind the veil. Among the most forgotten and invisible women in the world, they long to be seen.
God sees them. Do we?
After my first ministry trip to the Middle East - a women's conference - I was hooked. As our plane taxied down the runway in Jordan, I started to cry. Not because I was tired, missed my husband and kids and had really bad hair. Although all those were true! (My hair was so bad a precious Egyptian woman gave me a hand-written recipe for an olive oil treatment that might help. Alas, it was written in Arabic.)
The boo-hooing started because I didn't want to leave! Eight years and loads of trips back to the Middle East later, I am more passionate than ever about serving these dear people.
ISIS. Hamas. Syria, Iraq, Gaza, Israel. The devastating images from these countries shred our hearts. We want to do something to help. But what? How?
Join us!! Alongside our heroes - our national leaders - we are first-responders in countries all over the Middle East and North Africa. Food, medical care, housing, all of these and more are provided with the love of God. More than at any other point in history,
the time is now to GO --> come on an expedition, pray and/or partner with me financially!
What about you? Back here in America? What do you feel when you see a veiled woman? A small dart of fear? A longing to say something, but you're not sure what?
One thing I've learned from serving and loving Muslim women in the Middle East for the past 8 years is this:
we are the same.
Not Forgotten is all about loving Muslim women. Honoring them. Whether with Syrian refugees in crammed and dusty ME countries or with refugees in the US, we are taking the good news to them.
Will you come along?Let's go reach the "unreachable" together!
Kathleen Flynn
Not Forgotten Assistant Director
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