Hey guys! On June 13th, God willing, I am going to
Mozambique, Africa to spread the gospel! I cannot do this without your
help though.
This trip has 5 purposes. . .
ᴥ First, we will be allowing God to work in our lives; God
will be supplying us with His joy as we do His work.
ᴥ Second, this trip will help us focus our individual
prayers by traveling to a foreign land and praying for the people of
Mozambique, that God may open their eyes and hearts to the message of Jesus and
the Gospel.
ᴥ Third, we will be visiting a group of people which may
have heard of the Gospel but may have not heard enough to make the personal
decision to allow Jesus Christ into their hearts.
ᴥ Fourth, we will be encouraging local Christians in their
walk with God; us being there will give them motivation as we will be
supporting their work. We will be moving from village to village where we can
be building relationships with the local Christians there.
ᴥFifth, we will be planting 39 new churches in areas of
Mozambique where there currently aren’t any and helping local churches lengthen their reach in spreading the Gospel.
Here is the location in Africa my team and I will be traveling to.
If you are able, money contributions are accepted and needed!
But, first and foremost, I need your prayers.
you could pray for me that my aim in this trip would be to bring God
glory by enjoying Him and thinking of Him and others before I think of
Pray that this mission experience, in whole would bring me closer to God, should He supply the funds.
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