Hello, Everyone!
The response during this first month of fundraising has been tremendous.
After one month,
you've donated nearly $3,500! Isn't God cool?
Michael has been busy writing thank you notes to those who've donated. If you haven't received a note yet, it's 1) on the way OR 2) we don't have your address. If we've not contacted you for your address, please send that to us at ricnrin@sbcglobal.net. Please do this for us because Michael wants to reach out to you and thank you for your support.
We wanted to let you know that Michael will be one of 10 kids in Central Texas honored as an "Incredible Kid" this Thursday. His teacher, Ms. Mead, nominated him for the award. He is excited and we are humbled.
Please continue to pray and spread the word about this great project and the
Restore Leadership Academy.
Eric and Corinn Eckert
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