This past week, Michael joined a group from church to attend PowerPlus Preteen Camp in Woodlake, Texas. It was a great time of learning about God and how we can shine with the light of Christ.
It gave Michael and his friends (and his dad) a chance to unplug and enjoy nature -- swimming, canoeing, fishing, kayaking, biking, and playing in the mud.
When we returned, we were welcomed home with a $500 donation toward the classroom project. Praise God!
With online donations through and with checks we receive,
we've now surpassed the $6,300 mark -- having reached 20 percent of the goal. It's amazing to watch God work through the heart of a child and to see His vision play out in our son's life.
With that said, we still have a long way to go. Thank you for your generous donation and helping us spread the word about this project. Please "like" the
Facebook page for Michael's Classroom to receive updates on the project and learn more about Restore International and the Restore Leadership Academy.
Blessings and Thanks,
Eric and Corinn Eckert
(Michael's dad and mom)
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