Moss Family Adoption
by Matt & Sara Jo Moss 1 Lives Impacted China
For several years we have had a stirring in our hearts to become a forever family for a child. In late 2014, that stirring really grew and althoug...
"Our family was blessed to host the little boy the Moss family is adopting. He came as an orphan from China to spend four weeks with us during the 2014 holidays. As we prayed for God to provide a family for him, the Moss family was led to move forward with what had been on their hearts for a while - giving an orphan a FOREVER FAMILY! He came an orphan and left the US with a FOREVER FAMILY doing paperwork for his adoption.
It is a journey that takes many months of paperwork and financial commitments. (Our family has first-hand experience having adopted three times.) Please support the Moss family as they are on the final stretch of this journey and there are more fees to pay.
Please pray for their son in China, as they make preparations here, and for their travel to become FOREVER FAMILY!"
Thank you Dorris family for opening your hearts and your home. By doing so you have changed not only De Ye's life forever, but ours as well!
I echo Rebecca's words and ask that you pray for us, for De Ye, and for those whose hands are taking care of him until we are able to bring him home.
Thank you!!!
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