Today is Monday November 9, and we rejoice to say that Deb and I are back home...back to her "home and native land", Canada. Deb's parents reside near Vancouver and we are cooling our jets a bit with them.
Our 48 day ministry trip to Mexico and Ecuador (Sept 20 to Nov 7) was full and very full, as e3 Partners arranged for us to be in roughly 20+ locations for a lot of training and mentoring.
Thank you for being in our lives and for giving so to allow us to train and mentor others for His purposes.
On this end: the end of the year trip is set for INDIA and NEPAL (Nov 17 to Dec 7), and so I depart next week for India, where roughly 15 mentees and I will have a retreat in NEW DELHI to 'spur them on for love and good deeds'.
Please pray for the details for this time in India and Nepal. The INDIA time will be with mentees there, and the NEPAL time will be with daughter Sarah and son-in-law Trey.
In India, I have also asked a mentee from PERU (Jhon Linares) to join me, but - additionally - I have asked a friend from Wisconsin to join me in India. I invited both leaders so as to multiply myself as I train others.
Deb and I love this verse in Jeremiah: "Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths,
ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls." (Jer 6:16) Daily Debbie and I pray to walk in His purposes and along His paths. Please pray with us to always have our eyes foxed on the Lord of the harvest.
Here is a short 53 second video from s. Mexico:
https://youtu.be/ysue1eNlx3EHow can we pray with you? Please let us know, as we pray for others daily.
Love to you!
Patrick and Debbie
Drop us an email: poc2020@gmail.com DHonduras@gmail.com
Or give us a call: 206 660 6185 206 660 6184
Patrick O’Connor, Director of Training, Latin America. Serving with: http://e3partners.org/about-us/
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