This 20 day Africa trip was nearly perfect.
We traveled a lot within Uganda, for several venues. Most days were 13 hour days on very bumpy roads. On many boat River rides, too, to islands off the coast from Uganda. It was phenomenal.
It was a great 20 day trip in that we got a chance to train but we all also got a chance to look at some of the churches which had previously been planted. Thanks so much for remembering that trip to the Lord. God is good and God is doing great things around the world.
Please pray with us as Debbie and I depart in 10 days for Peru. It will be a one month trip.
Honestly, in some ways this upcoming Peru trip (24 June to 22 July) will be a bit more difficult than most. I will not give you the details,here, but it will have approximately five main locations (Trujillo, Sincuani of the high Andes; Requena +___________ of the Anazon; and Lima.
Thanks so much. Love you lots.
Patrick and Debbie ---> a 58 second hello from Uganda (May 26 2016)
~~ Patrick O'Connor, Training and Mentoring in Latin America with...
~~ Mobile: (206) 660 6185
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