Hello!It is either my age, or I am pushing myself too hard from this last 28 days trip:
--> Time in the Andes for Debbie and me (Patrick) was strategic as Debbie led this portion of the trip for assisting several churches near Sicuani of the high Andes in starting new daughter churches. This was done through day-by-day 'person of peace' searches by all participlants in four villages. Deb did an awesome job as she led 30 of us (12 from the USA and 20 from Peru) in this endeavor.
--> Time in Trujillo for myself (Patrick) and one 'mentee', Luis, from the country capital of Lima (10 hours away) was to provide four days of eyeball-to-eyeball coaching for a pastor attempting to break out of his traditional 'four church walls approach' to ministry INTO the community around him. The pastor, Luis and I spent many hours each day:
a) practicing a 'story-telling' approach to evangelism;
b) prayer walking;
c) casting vision for God's desire for this huge town of Trujillo; and
d) entering into the homes of others so as to ask the Lord for persons of peace (Luke 10).
The hope for this church in Trujillo is to start many new home groups through his town, leading to many new daughter churches.
--> Time in NE Peru up and down the Amazon river and several of her tributaries so as to train jungle pastors and their flocks regarding steps for biblical discipleship.
Admittedly, I have returned to the USA pretty pretty pretty ‘pooped’ out. The jungle time (8 days) in complement with fives days in Trujillo plus 11 days in the Andes plus 3 days in LIMA plus getting there and back really "tuckered me out" :-)…but my spirit is strong.
Love you all!
Patrick and Debbie
Watch "North from Mazan, of NE Peru. July 14 2016. (46 second video)" Patrick on YouTube:.
Requena town on the Amazon (July 16 '16)(22second video): https://youtu.be/_itMRMDVTm0
Patrick and Debbie O’Connor,
Training and Mentoring in Latin America. E3 Partners of Plano, Texas.
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