Safely home from the Amazon of Peru
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We JUST arrived back home from south America. This trip was harder than many others! It could be age or it could be that I (Patrick) am exhausted!
None-the-less, God is good and these are some highlights from three weeks in Peru:
Patrick had many many miles along the Amazon Rver in Peru (but also Brazil and Colombia) to visit many pastors in a large number of river villages. Training and mentoring for new churches and strong churches was Patrick’s theme.
Debbie had her 2nd annual women’s conference in Yurimaquas town on the "Rio Huallaga” river with 67 ladies. Two came from Honduras and two from Texas.
Patrick and Deb had there final portion of this three week trip in Arequipa town, in the south, to come alongside for two days a church planter there for his two church planting sites.
Watch ——> "O'Connor in Santa Isabel Village on the Amazon (Perú). 47 second video. April 2018". Interesting!
Thank you for being with us as we (in this case, tiringly) went for to make disciples :-)
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