Patrick + Shalyn O'Connor (E3 Partners)
by Patrick and Shalyn O'Connor 100 Lives Impacted
Hello! I (Patrick) came to know Jesus the Christ as Lord and Savior at the University of Houston in 1982. Shalyn was raised in a Christian home, ...
A hightlight from this 17 day end-of-the-year ministry trip to Africa was to see my colleague from Peru (Jhon Linares) in action as the primary trainer. For three major 2-3 day workshops, I served as his “Barnabas" with him as my “Paul”.
Jhon and I had been working out the details for this ministry trip since the first part of the year so that he would accompany me to Africa to train others for "churches planting churches".
Our agency (e3 Partners of Plano, TX) asks Debbie and me to train and mentor key leaders like Jhon and others…. but our feeling is that the way to do this is to get them (ie Jhon and others) out of their comfort zones. Like Africa!
Take a look: "Patrick in JINJA, Uganda (23 sec video) 12/2/2018" on YouTube
Special Christmas greetings to you!
Patrick and Debbie
Patrick O’Connor, D.Miss
Training and mentoring for Church Planting
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