HI Providence FARM Partner!
We hope you are doing well and PRAISE GOD for your continued faithful support through these difficult days! I pray you and yours are doing well. For me personally, there have been many spiritual take-a-ways God has revealed in the 1st major Pandemic of my lifetime. I would like to update you on how the Corona Virus is affecting our Save Street Children Uganda (SASCU) family. Your monthly partnership is appreciated and needed more than ever at this time. THANK YOU!
Due to COVID 19, the Ugandan government-mandated school closings on March 20. Food and retail markets have been closed and strictly enforced travel bans are in place.
We have over 80 SASCU beneficiaries in 9 different schools/vocational training centers around Kampala and Luwero. With an extended time ahead, before we get back to normal, we have some practical challenges as we long to minister to the SASCU kids' spiritual and physical needs. The most important thing we need from you is PRAYER. Specifically, pray with us…the kids' faith may flourish as they experience the unfailing love of God in this trying time. Also, please pray we steward well the funds provided through sponsorships and donations.
For the (22) kids at Providence FARM: They are being well cared for and loved thanks to you, Providence Farm Partners. We are considering a plan to hire (2) teachers to home school the children that live at Providence farm so they can stay on course with their education this year. Thank you again for being a huge part of changing the lives of these kids!
Although none of the children or staff have been affected by the virus, the government-mandated changes due to the virus have created many additional challenges to the general population. Food shortages and job interruptions create hardships much more severe in developing countries. This has certainly been the case in Uganda.
So that is all for now…
Thank you again for standing with SACU, Save the Street Children International, and the Good Earth Garden Center!
United in defense of the fatherless to the glory of God!