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Chateau Clairefontaine is the heart of our ministry, and a place of hope and healing for missionaries around the world. A sabbatical at the chateau can offer rest for those weary in their work, time to refocus and rebuild their relationship with God, and a place to reignite their passion for the work they were called to do.

Your donation will provide a month long sabbatical for one missionary at Chateau ClaireFontaine, private counseling, meals, and a whole lot more.

Help us keep more of God’s servants doing the work he’s called them to do by sponsoring a missionary today.

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  • $3,600 Monthly Goal
  • $3,600 Still Needed
  • 24 Lives Impacted
  • 293 Days To Go

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Restored and Renewed Ministry 0
North Little Rock, AR, US
At R&R we minister to missionaries, ministers, and aid workers around the world. We pro...
All donations go directly to Restored and Renewed Ministry as per Pure Charity's Terms and Conditions
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Fundraiser Organizer

Restored and Renewed Ministry
North Little Rock, AR, US

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293 Days to go
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Sponsor a Missionary's Sabbatical

by Restored and Renewed Ministry 24 Lives Impacted

Chateau Clairefontaine is the heart of our ministry, and a place of hope and healing for missionaries around the world. A sabbatical at the cha...

$0 Monthly Donations
  • $3,600 Monthly Goal
  • $3,600 Still Needed
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