First of all, THANK YOU for your generosity and support. It's been humbling to see so many friends and family rally around my mother and Sarang House.
Mom's Health Update
My mother has been battling to get better. Unfortunately, she's had a series of further health complications including another stroke at the end of January followed by several severe infections throughout her body. She's been in and out of the ER for the last 4 months and currently is staying at a 24-hour skilled nursing facility.
After her latest stroke, she lost some of her ability to access her memory and now has difficulty recognizes faces. The doctors are not sure as to how much she will be able to recover, but we're staying hopeful that she will beat the odds.
I'm actually headed to hospital again tonight because of another occurrence of blood present in her urine today. Needless to say, we covet your prayers for her.
An Update on Sarang House
The orphanage in China is doing well. Despite this discouraging news, many locally have rallied around the orphanage to support it during my mother's absence. The local sentiment is that everyone feels responsible to support it and keep the good work going. Local media picked up on the story and have challenged people in the area to step up and take care of their kids. They've been inspired by my mother's story of going into a foreign land and serving kids that many have overlooked.
As painful as this experience continues to be, our family is deeply encouraged by all that is happening in China. I'm thankful to God that he continues to prove himself faithful to the situation. Just when we want to give up on hope, there's always a sign that he's with us.
Our family can't thank you enough for all of your prayers and continual financial support.
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