Awilo Tom
Male Uganda
Male Uganda
16 years old Male Uganda
Joel is a playful boy and loves to take care of his sisters Precious and Chloe.
19 years old Female Uganda
Swabula is a hard working girl and likes taking good care of her friends at school.
Female Uganda
19 years old Male Uganda
Gift is a 13 year old sweet, loving, and very outgoing little man. He absolutely loves school and does very well!
Male Uganda
Female Uganda
16 years old Female Uganda
Gabriella ("Bella") is a kind 10 year old who loves to dance and laugh!
22 years old Male Uganda
Fred is an extremely smart, talented, ladies man! He's so sweet and loves people and making everyone smile! He'll also blow you away with his moves...
17 years old Male Uganda
Nijad is a reserved 10 year old who loves reading and playing basketball