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Sharon Zareva's fundraiser for Handeni, Tanzania - TZ24B

Sharon Zareva's fundraiser for Handeni, Tanzania - TZ24B

Handeni, Tanga Region, Tanzania
Amount Raised

About this Fundraiser

Be part of the compelling story of what God is doing among one of the largest unreached people groups in Tanzania. Most of the people in this region identify as Muslim and practice a variety of spirit worship.
We will be strengthening believers who were previously trained in sharing the gospel and discipling others through Bible study groups. Our focus will be equipping them with the next steps to multiplication. Some topics we plan to teach will include how to have spiritual conversations with Muslims and how to answer questions about Jesus, as well as creative ways to be an effective witness for Christ among people who are resistant to the Gospel.

Don't feel equipped? Don't worry! Pre-trip training and materials will be provided so you will be well prepared. In the field, you will work in teams alongside our experienced national partners and translators, so you won't be going it alone!

You will return home a changed person by experiencing God's amazing power and love as you help reach the unreached in Tanzania!

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  • $3,900 One-time Goal
  • $3,003 Still Needed
  • 100 Lives Impacted
  • 0 Days To Go

Field Partner

e3 Partners 130M
Plano, TX, US
e3 Partners equips Christians with the training and tools they need to make a lasting i...
This Fundraiser has ended and is no longer accepting funding.

Fundraiser Organizer

Sharon Zareva
Allen, TX

Region Map

Handeni, Tanga Region, Tanzania

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Ended - April 08, 2024
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Sharon Zareva's fundraiser for Handeni, Tanzania - T...

by Sharon Zareva 100 Lives Impacted Handeni, Tanga Region, Tanzania

Be part of the compelling story of what God is doing among one of the largest unreached people groups in Tanzania. Most of the people in this regio...

$898 One-time Donations
  • $3,900 One-time Goal
  • $3,003 Still Needed
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