Ferrier Village Child Sponsorships

Ferrier Village Child Sponsorships

169 of 357 Sponsored

Available Sponsorships

  • Kervensley Firmin

    18 years old Male Haiti

    Kervensley attends Spirit of Truth School in Ferrier, Haiti. He enjoys playing soccer and studying French. He dreams of attending flight school and...

  • Lovedje Pierre

    13 years old Male Haiti

    Lovedje attends Spirit of Truth School in Ferrier, Haiti. He enjoys playing soccer at recess and studying Kreyol. He dreams of becoming a policeman!

  • Anderlove Richemond

    18 years old Female Haiti

    Anderlove attends Spirit of Truth School in Ferrier, Haiti. She enjoys riding bicycles and studying math in school. She dreams of becoming a doctor!

  • Givala Francois

    15 years old Female Haiti

    Givala attends Spirit of Truth School in Ferrier, Haiti. She enjoys riding her bicycle and studying math. She dreams of becoming a teacher.

  • Yolfika Francois

    16 years old Female Haiti

    Yolfika attends Spirit of Truth School in Ferrier, Haiti. She enjoys plating with dolls and jumping rope. Her favorite subject is math and she hope...

  • Milostene Joseph

    10 years old Male Haiti

    Milostene attends Spirit of Truth School in Ferrier, Haiti. He enjoys playing soccer at recess and looks forwaed to art class! He dreams of becomin...

  • Kenson Jean

    10 years old Male Haiti

    Kenson attends Spirit of Truth School in Ferrier, Haiti. He enjoys riding his bicycle with friends and studying Kreyol. He dreams of becoming a pol...

  • Wiselande Francois

    20 years old Female Haiti

    Wiselande attends Spirit of Truth School in Ferrier, Haiti. She enjoys riding bicycles and studying French. She dreams of becoming a nurse!

  • Dieudevie Romain

    21 years old Female Haiti

    Dieudevie attends Spirit of Truth School in Ferrier, Haiti. She enjoys playing tag at recess and studying French. She dreams of becoming a doctor!

  • Jean Moise

    11 years old Male Haiti

    Moise attends Spirit of Truth School in Ferrier, Haiti. He enjoys riding bicycles with friends and studying Kreyol. He dreams of becoming a doctor!

  • Mayson Joseph

    12 years old United States

    Mayson attends Spirit of Truth School in Ferrier, Haiti. He enjoys playing on the playground with friends and looks forward to art class. He dreams...

  • BabyLove Saint Louis

    14 years old Female Haiti

    Babylove attends Spirit of Truth School in Ferrier, Haiti. She enjoys jumping rope at recess and looks forward to art class. She dreams of becoming...