First, THANK YOU! We are overwhelmed by the outpouring of support! Our hearts are overflowing with gratitude for every encouraging word, excited response, supportive prayer and sacrificial donation! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
This Saturday we are hosting a very unofficial race! We'd love for you to participate in any way that is desirable to you! Taylor sets goals. One of his this year was to run his age on his birthday. So, he is running 32 miles this Saturday, September 10! What started out as a personal goal turned into an opportunity to gather together our adoption team (that's you)! There will be a group running with Taylor from our house, but we are inviting anyone, no matter where you live, to run "with" them! If you want to run 32 miles, by all means :). However, any amount of miles is welcomed! I will list the projected times so if you want to run at the same time from your own doorstep you'll know when to have finished drinking your coffee. We'd love for you to post on social media if you're running! Use #runforone #stanfilladoption and our website Not only will it encourage us to see who joins, we thought it would be neat to show our adopted child down the road all the different people who ran this race with us to bring him/her home.
Explanation on #runforone
Our pastor, Andy Stanley, says often, "Do for one what you wish you could do for everyone." So, we have used that as one of our taglines for this adoption. Although there are countless children in need of a forever family, we are making that number one less. We have chosen to
do for one child in need what we wish we could
do for every child in need. And you have helped us do it! By praying for our child, you have prayed
for one. By donating to help us bring our child home, you have given
for one. And now we are inviting you to run some miles with us, to run
for one.
Jesus, thank you for affirming each next step for us in this process. Please don't stop. We thank you that you have not forgotten our child as we make our way to him/her. You are with them. Stay close. Thank you. Help us keep our eyes fixed on you.
- routes / schedule:
- First loop - 18 miles
- Second loop - 10 miles
- Final loop - 4 hilly miles
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