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The people of the remote mountains of Sudan represent 40% of the African population who is not only unreached with the Gospel, but also unengaged- no group or organization is yet working with them.  For the last three years, God has been building connections for us with those of the Nuba Mountains now living in the US, North Uganda and Egypt. Last year the oppressive Suni Muslim government was overthrown and persecution of Christians eased. Not only this, but the new government started welcoming Christians and the resources they bring into Sudan. Today is a historical moment in history when access to those who don't know of Jesus may learn of His love.  We have donors who get this opportunity and have agreed to match, $.75 to every dollar, to fund this opportunity into reality.  The deadline for matching funds ins March 31st.  Don't delay! 

$17,500 is needed to train and coach Nuba Mountain Muslim Background Believers (MBBs) to have health multiplying churches and a Christian community which seeks to reach all Nuba Mountain Muslims. Many Nuba Mountain MBBs are isolated because of persecution and these trainings form a caring community of support as well as equip them with tools and skills for them to share their faith and gather new believers into house churches. The Nuba peoples are various indigenous ethnic groups who inhabit the Nuba Mountains of South Kordofan state in Sudan, encompassing multiple distinct peoples that speak different languages which belong to at least two unrelated language families. Estimates of the Nuba population vary widely; the Sudanese government estimated that they numbered 1.07 million in 2003. The majority of the Nuba living in the east, west and northern parts of the mountains are Muslims (98%), while those living to the south are either Christians or practice traditional animistic religions. In those areas of the Nuba mountains where Islam has not deeply penetrated, ritual specialists and priests hold as much control as the clan elders, for it is they who are responsible for rain control, keeping the peace, and rituals to insure successful crops. Many are guardians of the shrines where items are kept to insure positive outcomes of the rituals (such as rain stones for the rain magic), and some also undergo what they recognize as spiritual possession. We have done this type of training before with good results. Once trained this group will form a core group to train other MBBs in northern Africa and the Muslim world.  

There are $10,000 of matching funds available to further the Kingdom through this project. Would you join in this strategic work to reach these who are far from God?   

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  • $10,000 One-time Goal
  • 100 Lives Impacted
  • 0 Days To Go

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e3 Partners 130M
Plano, TX, US
e3 Partners equips Christians with the training and tools they need to make a lasting i...
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e3 Partners
Plano, TX, US

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Ended - March 31, 2020
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Sudan - Nuba Mountain People Project Match Fund

by e3 Partners 100 Lives Impacted Sudan

The people of the remote mountains of Sudan represent 40% of the African population who is not only unreached with the Gospel, but also unengaged- ...

$9,110 One-time Donations
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