Hi friends! We hope to see you all tonight at the show. {Remember, sessions are held on the 3rd Thursday of the month}.
We are thrilled that Kelly Parks-Jones is this month's artist! You won't want to miss this. Also, Tresor Yenyi, founder of Mwangaza International, is our special guest and will be there tonight to share a little more about his heart for the orphaned and vulnerable children of Congo.
This show is a bit different for non-members. Please feel free to bring friends! This month, non-members, there will be a $20 charge or, as always, they can sign up on the spot to become a member.
The location address is 106 East Central {just to the right of the Table Mesa entrance, under a sign that says Silver Moon}.
We look forward to seeing you there!!
-JD, Julia, Dave and Jenny
**Also, be sure to check out our new website for updates and artist info:
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