Dear Sponsors of Tigist, Thank you so much for your generous support of Tigist! Big News is that Tigist will be graduating this June and will attend Univeristy in August! Less the 20% of Ethiopian students attend secondary school, and I read a statistic that less then 10% of Ethiopian students attend University, so what an amazing accomplishment that with your help and support Tigist will get to attend! Lord thank You so much that living for You and serving You is very fulfilling! Thank You, Lord that You put on these dear people's heart to sponsor Tigist, and that we get to celebrate her accomplishment of finishing High School!!! Lord, You are faithful to a thousand generations! We pray for full redemption for Tigist. Thank you for bringing her from a government orphanage and for giving her a family! I pray for her mother and auntie as well as her counselors, teachers, the staff at Elevate Orphan that You will give them insight in how to encourage and build Tigist up! I also pray that Tigist will have eyes to see how she can serve and bless those around her! Lord, May the day tell Tigist of Your Unfailing Love, may she draw near to You. Lord we pray if You have marriage for Tigist, we ask for You to work in his life, and give him a soft heart to You! Lord, You are an everpresent help in time of trouble. Please help Tigist learn to seek Your first, Your wisdom, and direction! (Help us all do this). We love You Lord and thank You for Tigist and that we get to be a part! In Jesus, Wonderful Name! Amen! Warmly, LIsa Rimback