Why Adoption?
For years I have toyed with the idea of fostering or adopting a child. Never really being totally sure if it was what I wanted to do. Every few months I would look through all the pictures of the waiting children in foster care in Arkansas and Tennessee, always hoping that these children would find homes, but never really feeling attracted or attached to any one child.
After moving up to Northwest Arkansas, and hooking up with the non-profit group TEAMWorks, I was presented with the ability to be able to travel internationally and go into orphanages to help children with disabilities - helping to bring orthotics, wheelchairs, and education to their caregivers. It was with this amazing group of people that I was introduced to a foster facility in China.
How Did I Know That THIS Child Was Meant To Be MY Child?!
Before going on my first trip with TEAMWorks, to Northern China, I was introduced to this foster facility. I was transfixed by all of the adorable children and amazed by all of the volunteers who raise money for these children so that they can have the surgical procedures that they all so desperately need. As I was looking through all of the pictures of each of the children (each of who has medical needs), I caught a glimpse of an adorable smile and twinkling eyes ... a picture that make me stop, smile and I couldn't click my mouse to go to the next picture. I was transfixed ... and I knew in that very moment that this child was meant to be my son. I wasn't exactly prepared to allow my mind to comprehend that in that moment, but after 3 months of constantly thinking about him and not being able to forget his sweet face AND after going Christmas shopping at WalMart and thinking that I saw his face on the side of a box ... I KNEW that God was telling me that it is time to take a leap of faith and step out into the realm of adoption.
What Are This Child's Medical Needs?
A little info about this AMAZING little boy that I am working to adopt:
He has lived in an orphanage/foster facility his entire life and has severe medical needs. He has massive hydrocephalus (too much fluid in his skull) which has been corrected with the placement of a shunt to move fluid from his head to his abdomen to assist in being re-absorbed. Unfortunately, a shunt was not placed before the sutures in his skull fused together, so his skull is VERY large.
Stuck with a head that is significantly larger than a typical adult's skull, this happy and giggly 2 year old is unable to hold his head up by himself - which also means he cannot sit up, stand or walk due to his head size. I have been in contact with one of the top craniofacial surgeons in the US who is down in Dallas, TX. There is a SIGNIFICANT possibility that once he is home in the US that he will be eligible for life changing skull surgery that will dramatically decrease the size and weight of his head, making it possible for him to attain the normal gross motor milestones that a healthy, active 2 year old SHOULD be able attain. Can you imagine?! A sweet baby who was once considered "unadoptable" one day walking, running and playing with his friends?!! OH how sweet it will be!!!
God has said, NOW is the time and China is the place - oh, and Special Needs is your calling, so let's add that into the mix! SO ... I am beginning the journey to adopt a special needs child from China ... Eyes wide open, Heart open even wider and God leading the way!
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