Coconut Robot Challenge
by Kacia Hosmer 31 Lives Impacted
You know when you teeter back and forth between "we can totally do this!" and "what have I gotten myself into?"Yeah that.That is where I am right n...
learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow's cause. Isaiah 1:17, ESV, emphasis added I don't have the words to describe just how full my heart is right now. I can't quite explain the way my life has forever been changed. I can say that you all love well. Really, really well. I'm also not quite sure how to say thank y...
I can't believe I'm writing this update.... Only $40 left to go!! That $40 will bring us to our Challenge goal -- it will leave us $55 short of funding NINE adoptions!!! And I will be covering that last amount AND funding a TENTH. CAN WE DO THIS!?!? Are you in!?
Hi y'all!!! I cannot believe we have already fully funded Kidmu's adoption!!! And we are on our way to funding Mimo's adoption! I have already cried a few times today. And I will happily cry more when these children have the ability and funds to be adopted!Y'all did this.
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