This is the registration application for a 2 week internship program through 2nd Milk. Each trip requires a $500 deposit to sign up and this deposit would only be refundable if cancelled before Feb 22nd, 2019 otherwise any funds given towards the trip would be used for your trip or directly to feed babies if cancelled after this date.
This is the registration application for a 3 week internship program through 2nd Milk. Each trip requires a $500 deposit to sign up and this deposit would only be refundable if cancelled before Feb 22nd, 2019 otherwise any funds given towards the trip would be used for your trip or directly to feed babies if cancelled after this date.
This is the registration application for a 4 week internship program through 2nd Milk. Each trip requires a $500 deposit to sign up and this deposit would only be refundable if cancelled before Feb 22nd, 2019 otherwise any funds given towards the trip would be used for your trip or directly to feed babies if cancelled after this date.
Be the first participant to register for this trip!
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