Haryana State, with 27 million men, women, and children, is one of the smaller states in northern India. Although relatively small, it is home to more than 416 different people groups (tribes, ethic communities, etc.). The primary language is Hindi. The per capita income in Haryana is higher than most states but the average person is still very poor by American standards. Many of the people of Haryana are illiterate and most live within 6400 rural villages. The economy relies on manufacturing, services, and agriculture.
A People Without Christ
88% of Haryana’s population follows the teachings of Hinduism. The Islam religion has about 6% adherents, while Haryana state also contains the second highest concentration of the Sikhism at 5%. Only 0.1% are Christian. It is estimated that 400 of Haryana's people groups, spanning across more than 6000 villages, are unreached or unengaged.
The Goal then is to see a thriving community of Christ-worshipers in every village!
Go with us as we take a modern walk through the book of Acts! Looking to the scriptures and the Holy Spirit for our direction, we will share the Good News where His peace rests (Luke 10). As the LORD draws many to saving faith, we'll disciple new believers using I am Second discovery bible groups. Each team member will participate in starting 1, 2, or 3 house groups during the expedition connecting them with local leaders who will continue to disciple and coach the new small groups ensuring a lasting impact in the region.
Thank you for your interest in our trip to Haryana. We encourage you to forward this email to others who might be interested in going. We also ask that you do not post any details related to this trip on social media.
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