The 4 Fields Training for Church Planters & Catalysts will equip participants with the Biblical principles and best practice (North American) methodologies to multiply healthy disciples & churches using the 5 Parts of Jesus’ strategy for Kingdom Growth. Participants will experience an interactive training that involves instruction, guided Bible discovery, practice and daily engagement of the local harvest field.
Trainers: Jeff Sundell and Troy Cooper / Cost: $120
Pre-training homework (Required): Participants must read through the gospel of Luke and the book of Acts and document the following as modeled by Jesus and His disciples: 1. Entry Strategy: How to identify your target area/people group and get in front of lost people 2. Gospel: How to communicate the gospel 3. Discipleship: How to teach disciples to obey Jesus, including the great commission 4. Church: How to form communities of believers and move them towards biblical health 5. Leaders: How to identify & develop leaders who multiply + What is the role of the Holy Spirit? + What is the role of persecution & suffering? + What is the role of prayer?
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