Have you ever thought about going on an international mission trip but just weren't sure about the travel to another country, what the food would be like, or even how share the Gospel?? We have a great opportunity for you to get a "taste" of an international trip this coming October to Cuba.
This will be a VIRTUAL Trip for the US team. Our national partners in country will work with us to do the actual training of a church and make the home visits. Our part will be to SUPPORT them. We will do this in two ways: by praying for them daily as they train and as they make visits and by financially supporting this trip.
There will be 4 Zoom meetings for this VIRTUAL Trip Tuesday, December 8 from 7-8:00 pm CST; Thursday, December 10 from 7-8:00 pm CST; Tuesday, December 15 from 7-8:00 pm CST; and Thursday, December 17, from 7-8:00 pm CST.
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