Bright Hope's mission & vision
Bright Hope's mission is to bring Hope to those living on less than $1 a day. Bright Hope envisions a world where under-resourced, indigenous churches transform their communities and bring Hope to the extreme poor.
Why do we help the extreme poor?
Because God encourages us to help the poor and offers blessings to those who respond. Refer to: Isaiah 58:10, Proverbs 22:9, Proverbs 19:17, James 1:27, Matthew 25:37-40.
How do we help the extreme poor?
Bright Hope partners with 950 indigenous churches located in poor slums and rural villages. Partnering with the in-country church offers great efficiencies and amazing transformations.
What do we do for the extreme poor?
Hope for Today: in the form of food, clothing, medicine and education.
Hope for Tomorrow: in the form of economic empowerment projects, using job skills training and micro-lending so people can raise their incomes above $1 a day and become self-sustainable.
Hope for Eternity: is found by leading the poor who desire to know Jesus Christ into a powerful and rich relationship with Him. Discipling involves teaching new believers how life in Christ can transform their lives on earth and for eternity.
Where do we serve the extreme poor?
We bring Hope to the extreme poor through 950+ indigenous churches in nine countries:
- Bolivia
- Chile
- Cuba
- Haiti
- India
- Kenya
- Peru
- Uganda
- Zambia