Grace So Amazing Ministries

Grace So Amazing Ministries

Franklin, TN, US

Grace So Amazing is a Christian non-profit organization working to lessen the devastating impact of poverty, conflict and chaos among children and youth living in Haiti through a Christ-centered, holistic approach of caring for mind, body and soul.


  • 1012 Days to go
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    GSM Child Rescue

    by Grace So Amazing Ministries 250 Lives Impacted Mirebalais, Centre Department, H...

    Your support literally keeps the lights on at Grace House. It allows us to provide food, clothes, toys, and education to our orphans. It also provi...

  • Pure Haiti

    by Kellie Hurt 50 Lives Impacted Mirebalais, Centre Department, H...

    Pure Haiti's mission and vision is to empower women living in marginalized circumstances by providing jobs creating beautiful products.

  • 1012 Days to go
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    GSM Infant Nutrition

    by Grace So Amazing Ministries 250 Lives Impacted Mirebalais, Centre Department, H...

    Your support helps us purchase much needed formula which prevents stunted growth and promotes proper brain development. It also allows us to bring ...