Helping Haitian Angels™ was founded by Bill and Debbie Harvey of Haymarket, VA. In the summer of 2008 while serving on a mission trip in Cap Haitien, the Harvey’s unexpectedly met 35 homeless children living in a dilapidated building. These abandoned children were covered in scabies and sick from malnutrition and a lack of clean water. At that moment, Debbie had an immediate calling on her life to do more than just mourn their misfortune—and a new mission was born.

Debbie returned to the U.S. and shared her passionate story with friends, family, church members, and the media. One month from that fateful day in the summer of 2008, Debbie and Bill Harvey launched a non-profit named Helping Haitian Angels and raised enough money to provide medical care, shelter, food, and clean water for the children they found in Dekle, Haiti.

Helping Haitian Angels is a growing 501(c)(3) non-profit Christian organization providing complete care for the children of the Kay Anj D’ayiti™ (Angel House of Haiti) in Dekle, Haiti.